
Software Engineer @ Amazon - Previously @ Sahibinden.com.
"Builds scalable and maintainable software. Obsessed over customers. A Product-Minded Engineer."
I've recently joined @Amazon as a Software Development Engineer. More about it to come soon!
I worked as a Software Engineer at @Sahibinden.com's Search Team. I enjoy developing scalable and maintainable software that brings value to others while customers' needs being the highest priority at all times. I've been writing code in Java (with Spring) and Javascript (with JQuery, AngularJS) for the past years. I am also the Scrum Master of my team of 10 people.
Previously, I had the chance to experience different fields in software development. I enjoyed writing Ruby on Rails at @Twentify as a Fullstack Engineer using technologies like AWS, PostgreSQL, Redis. I also took part in Android Application development at @Twentify as an intern.
I blog what I learn and learn as I blog. My blog is mostly about programming in Java, sometimes I also write about Software Development in general.
Some of the other technologies I have working experience with include but are not limited to: Elasticsearch, AWS, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Memcached.
Want to learn more? Let's get in touch!